What's the big deal about digitizing?
Digitizing Station Photo

Artwork is scanned or actually created with special digitizing software created especially for the embroidery industry. This software calculates the exact number and placement of stitches to create each unique design.

After the artwork is digitized, a sample is then created for client approval. Once approved and production scheduled, the design is put on disk and loaded directly into the embroidery machines at Rockland's facility.

The biggest benefit to you and your clients is a very low level of aggravation in the design process. You don't have to worry about providing camera-ready artwork or properly formatted digital artwork to Rockland Embroidery. We can even take a logo from a piece of company letterhead and create what we need for an embroidered project.

  • Our In-House Digitizing Department will work with you via fax, phone or e-mail to assure you the highest quality finished product.
  • We can work with you using Tajima, Melco and Barudan formats.
  • We guarantee quick turnaround time with rush work available upon request.
  • Our prices are fantastic and our quality is unsurpassed
Standard Turn around as quickly as 48 hours or less! 
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